Umělé přerušení těhotenství z důvodu těžkého poškození plodu – etická a právní reflexe


  • Barbora Steinlauf 1Oddělení aplikované filosofie a etiky, Filosofický ústav AV ČR; Ústav humanitních studií v lékařství 1. LF UK
  • René Milfait Výbor Sekce pro etiku v paliativní péči ČSPM ČLS JEP


abortion, severe fetal abnormality, fetocide, human remains, human dignity, perinatal loss, perinatal palliative care


The paper presents a case of parents who suffered perinatal loss when they decided to end their pregnancy because of a severe foetal abnormality. The paper offers an ethical and legal perspective of the case. Within the ethical reflection we recall the different concepts of protection of a foetus, discuss the choice between terminating pregnancy in accordance with the conditions set by the law and continuing the pregnancy until natural childbirth. We also discuss the importance of acknowledging the perinatal loss and recognising the role of the parents in spite of this loss, the importance of rituals and the preservation of memories. We then complement the ethical reflection with a legal analysis. On the legal level, we focus primarily on the legal conditions of performing abortion, the legal requirements for informing a woman about the possibility of terminating the pregnancy or, conversely, continuing the pregnancy until birth, the conditions for performing an autopsy and the disposition of human bodies in case of a miscarriage, abortion and stillbirth. We also draw attention to the inconsistent use of terminology when referring to cases of abortion, miscarriage and stillbirth and explain the legal consequences that may be associated with this incorrect 'categorisation'.


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How to Cite

Steinlauf B, Milfait R. Umělé přerušení těhotenství z důvodu těžkého poškození plodu – etická a právní reflexe. PAL.MED.CZ. 2024;5(1):3-12. Accessed May 14, 2024.



Palliative care